Diamond Flight Simulator
As real as it gets
Diamond flight simulators are built of authentic Diamond aircraft parts, with real avionics, high-end visuals and OEM flight dynamic models for fidelity that is simply unsurpassed.
Our instructor operating stations are of a caliber that you typically find only on high level full motion airline devices.
Designed for both basic and advanced instrument, navigation and procedural training, they are perfectly suited for instruction, check flights, screening purposes and skill proficiency tests.
Highlights Comprehensive IOS software
Flight Instructor Workstation Intuitive and highly efficient
The flight instructor operating station (IOS) provides a pleasant and efficient work environment for the instructor. The flight instructor workstation (FIWS) brings the instructor inside the cabin while having full control over the training session.
The IOS cabin is enclosed on all sides with a sliding door at the rear end, including a desk, book shelves and dimmable light.
The comprehensive in-house designed IOS software allows intuitive touch screen handling and is way more flexible in regard to your specific needs than common IOS software.
Visual System As real as it gets
The Diamond Simulator comes with the GLOBAL CANVAS image generator (IG). The worldwide resolution of the satellite pictures is 15 m per pixel. The IG can render terrain textures with a resolution of up to 5 cm per pixel.
The IG features two-cloud-levels and realistic cumulus clouds, wind (movement of windsocks), rain, snowfall, and lightning. The standard database includes worldwide satellite image coverage (15 m resolution) and worldwide generic representation of airports with “hard” runways.
Real Cockpit Can you tell the difference?
The instrument panel is fitted with the Garmin G1000 NXi avionics suite and standby instruments, allowing you to train in a completely realistic environment.
Diamond's simulator is fully modelled after the DA40 and the DA42 aircraft and is the only training device for the DA40/DA42 fleet available on the market that is based on an officially approved Diamond data package.
Benefits Why buy a Diamond FSTD?
Add a Diamond Simulator To Your Flightline And Reap The Benefits:
Utilization: Sell flight training regardless of weather conditions or airplane availability.
Effectiveness: Focus on skills and technique development for greater student value and satisfaction.
Rewind and Repeat: Didn’t get it right the first time? Simply ‘rewind’ and try it again. You can shoot many more approaches each lesson than in any airplane.
Cost: Significantly increase your revenues and margins.
Safety: train for emergencies and special situations in a risk-free environment.
Instructor Training: In house training and maintenance of your instructors’ proficiency and qualifications at minimal cost.
Recruitment: Use the simulator as a recruitment tool for instructors and students alike.

Diamond FSTD Support Portal
As a member of the simulator support portal you will have the possibility to look up technical information regarding all Diamond FSTD's, download manuals and NavCycles or watch at our videos.
Register today to get access to the Diamond FSTD Support portal!